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CD of the Course of Magic

The educational CD of the magic course in the reserved zone
The details, which are in the CD of the course, can be seen in the page, which illustrates the Course of Magic
The costs of the CDs listed below correspond to a part for the forwarding charges in Italy and the other one to Magiclandia's association





CD of the Magic Course
The full course of Magic on CD.
All the pages of our course is in Format HTML.
You can read the lessons without logging into Internet and/or print it to read it again quietly wherever you want.
The registration to Magiclandia, automatically includes the CD of the course.

You can pay your registration in EUROS or U.S.Dollars
The price:
75,00 Euros €  or  95,00 USD $


You can pay by transfer or by Credit Card
IMPORTANT: The payment by Credit Card
can be done only in US Dollars


CD of the Magic Course

The contents of this CD is the same as this one online in our course of magic. 

The details of the course




Magiclandia Club Magico Virtuale