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Magiclandia Virtual magic Club



After the registration to the club you become a member of Magiclandia Association and you can have an access to the pages of the course. Please read our TOS: Terms of Service


Before proceeding to fill the form, check if your computer system is compatible with our web pages, please click here to start the test : [ Test of compatibility ]

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* (Use a valid Email)

First name: *
Second name: *
Address:        *   N� 
City: *     State/Province:    
Zip Code: *     Country:                *
Stage name:  
Please choose the currency of payment

You can pay in EUROS � or U.S.Dollars USD$
The payment by Debit Card can be done only if you choose the U.S.Dollars currency

Registration Price:
USD 95,00 US$
Euros  80,00  �

USD $  I wont to pay in U.S. Dollars  
EURO �  I wont to pay in EUROS    


I declare that the data of this form are real and correct.
I agree to the Terms of service of Magiclandia
I confirm that I have verified that my computer is compatible with the site of Magiclandia
Payment methods: In the next page, you can choose two methods of payment:
By Transfer or by Debit Card
the payment with the debit card can be made only in US Dollars via our provider of online services. KAGI is an American provider exclusively dedicated to the online market and which guarantees the security of this kind of transaction. The site on which the transaction has been made is protected by a  powerful encrypted key and guarantees the security of the personal database. KAGI is a site, which uses a VeriSign Digital ID certificate.
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this verification code:
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Magiclandia Club Magico Virtuale