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  • Magiclandia is an association of Magicians
  • Magiclandia is a virtual magic club
  • Each member of Magiclandia, promises solemnly to don't divulge the secret learned in the lessons of the Course of magic or in other pages of this web.
  • The secret of the magic are posted in the protected pages of this site. For to see the protected pages it is necessary a password.
    The password is delivered to each member that has paid the registration fees.
    The password can be used only from the member to which it has been delivered
    The member cannot lend or deliver the word to other people, if the member of Magiclandia lends or delivery to other people his password, he will be expelled and his word will be deleted. In this circumstance, the price of the registration won't be refunded to the expelled member.
  • All material of this site (texts, images and vieo-clip) is protected by Magiclandia copyright.
    The reproduction, distribution of the material contained in the site of Magiclandia is absolutely forbidden
    If a member of Magiclandia, copy (also partially) the contents of Magiclandia and it distributes them or it publishes them or it posts in other places, he will be expelled and his word will be deleted. In this circumstance, the price of the registration won't be refunded to the expelled member and Magiclandia will can undertake ulterior legal actions also.
  • Magiclandia will guard with care the data of each member
    Each member authorizes Magiclandia to use his personal data for communications between Magiclandia and him.
    The personal data of each member will never be divulged to other people without the explicit member authorization
    Before the registration is obligatory verify the compatibility of the PC with the site of Magiclandia, by means of the texts of
    this page: TEST
  • To become a member of Magiclandia it's necessary agree to these terms of service

Magiclandia Club Magico Virtuale